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Palo Alto University profiled in American Airlines Talk Business 360

Palo Alto University profiled in TALK BUSINESS 360, an inflight TV show on American Airline's First and Business Class during the months of August and September, 2016.  Dr. Alvin Thomas, Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the Center for Excellence in Diversity, was interviewed for his work on youth and violence. 

Palo Alto University:
Palo Alto University (PAU) is a nonprofit and private educational institution established in 1975as the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology (PGSP) which was an independent school and in 1986 accredited by the regional accrediting body, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.PGSP re-incorporated as Palo Alto University in August 2009. 

About Talk Business 360:
Talk Business 360 helps Companies, Business owners and Entrepreneur’s to reach their message to targeted audience through their innovative "Industry Innovators" TV Program which is telecast on Fox Channel and is also available on American Airlines flight world-wide. Since its launch Talk Business 360 helped thousands of companies increase their exposure to a powerful demographic that includes CEOs, decision makers and influencers.

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Transcription of Video is given below:

Speaker: [00:00:00]Next we hear from Palo Alto University a nonprofit and private educational institution dedicated to improving lives through education and research. Dr. Alvin Thomas is the co-director of the Center for Excellence in diversity at Palo Alto University and he's been engaged in research at Palo Alto on how exposure to violence affects the development of youth. He joins us now to tell us more. Dr. Thomas welcome.

Dr. Thomas: [00:00:25] Well thank you very much for having me.

Speaker: [00:00:26] Dr. Thomas start by telling us a bit about yourself and your institution Palo Alto University.

Dr. Thomas: [00:00:32] I am an assistant professor at Palo Alto University and co-director for the center for excellence and diversity and originally from the island of St. Lucia. I teach classes and cultural diversity in clinical psychology as well as a seminar called Psychology of the African-American child. My research lab investigates the risk and protective factors associated with positive youth development and I focus on self-efficacy enhancement father son relationships and parenting.

Speaker: [00:01:01] you’ve been doing research on how exposure to actual physical violence and experiences where youths have seen or heard about violence can affect them. What have you found?

Dr. Thomas: [00:01:09] Alongside parenting practices, School resources and community support self-efficacy beliefs continued to predict positive youth development especially so for youth who have witnessed physical violence and by self-efficacy what I mean is youth confidence in their own ability to avoid specific negative behaviors. Self-efficacy is an internal asset that clinician’steacher’s community organizations policymakers and even parents must seek to enhance in youth who live in low income and high crime neighborhoods. There is no doubt that growing up black in America in urban settings is a significant risk to children and youth. In fact some work has suggested that the trauma and PTSD symptomatology associated with these life situations are similar to that of war veterans and read found in war torn regions like Iraq and Afghanistan witnessing physical violence therefore is a major risk for future youth violence. However for children who have witnessed violence parents can enhance the self-efficacy of youth and reduce future violence by monitoring their children by becoming involved in the lives of their children and by communicating about specific risk factors like witnessing physical violence.

Speaker: [00:02:32] That was Dr. Alvin Thomas. Learn more about Palo Alto University by visiting


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