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Covintus is featured on Talk Business 360

Covintus is a software development company. They will bring your dream into reality. By using easy to use portal you will get a quick free estimate. You will be helped by delivery manager who will be in contact with you from start to finish. Professional developers and designers will make your software according to your expectation. You will get update every week and until you are satisfied you don’t have to pay. Recently Covintus is featured on TALK BUSINESS 360 TV. Chris Trebour President of Covintus gave one on one interview which was shown during October of 2018 on American Airlines in 15k flights.


Transcription of video is given below:

Speaker: Our next guest joins us from the company behind a completely unique human cloud model to build custom software that helps businesses of any size scale their IT operations. The company is Covintus. And joining us now to tell us about this innovative process is Chris Trebour President So Covintus is quite a unique company. Can you give us an overview of the Covintusmodel.

Chris Trebour: Sure. The unique part of our delivery model is our human cloud. This is a collection of a couple hundred prevented competition winners who are literally some of the best in the world at their particular skill set. So when we have a project one of our delivery managers will work with a client to define the project and identify the skills required then they will pull from this human cloud talent pool to create an ad hoc development team kind of like an all star team for each and every project. Another unique aspect of our model is that we take full responsibility for the project and do all the work fixed price and is guaranteed. This allows clients to get the benefit of top notch talent without paying exorbitant hourly rates.

Speaker:So tell us about the results that companies are getting. What are the benefits of using the Covintusmodel.

Chris Trebour: Results have been fantastic. First of all this model is extremely scalable and allows us to get teams up and running in hours or days instead of weeks and months so time to market can be greatly reduced. Second because of the diverse skill sets of our human cloud we can be very technology agnostic. So if a client wants to use a particular technology we can do it. It also means that we don't push one technology over another. We are free to recommend what's best for the client. It also allows us to do a wide variety of projects from simple mobile apps to enterprise management systems and things like block chain and Internet of Things. And finally since all of our work is fixed price and guaranteed we have a more collaborative partnership with our clients and that always produces better results.

Speaker:Thanks for joining us Chris.


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