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TALK BUSINESS 360 a message brought to you by Palmero health care.

Palmero Healthcare is playing a great role in controlling and preventing infection for more than 60 years. Palmero Healthcare has brought a wide range of products to prevent infection such as hospital-level disinfectants, barrier products, and safety products to the dental community. Recently Palmero Healthcare is featured on TALK BUSINESS 360 TV and the video convers how it helps in preventing germs such as staph E. coli H1N1 influenza A salmonella HIV and even athlete's foot etc.
Transcription of Video:
Next on TALK BUSINESS 360 a message brought to you by Palmero health care. Palmero health care is the global leader in infection control products with a mission to help prevent the spread of infection and cross contamination with innovative and cost effective products. Now whether we're talking about your home a hospital or your place of business proper use of disinfectants is crucial. This is why it's important to make sure you read the label of the product being used to disinfect carefully in order to use the disinfectant safely and properly. Why is it important to read and understand the kill claims on the product being used to disinfect or sanitize. Some products say that they kill X German one minute while other types of germs can take three five or even 10 minutes and that the surface must remain wet during the whole time. Are you willing to put the responsibility on your staff to disinfect according to the label directions. This in turn puts the onus on the user to follow the directions. And this could have detrimental results. Make sure any disinfectant product is registered with the EPA. Ask questions of the manufacturer and get copies of efficacy tests. It's for your protection. It's important to understand what your disinfectant is effective against. There are two types of disinfectants general level disinfectants and hospital level disinfectants. A hospital level disinfectant like Palmero healthcare's decide ultra can kill major pathogens in just one minute or less and is effective against deadly germs like staph E. coli H1N1 influenza A salmonella HIV and even athlete's foot among others.
Hospital type disinfectants like decide are for use in hospital medical and dental offices or any environment where critical infection control is needed. While General type disinfectants are used in households swimming pools and water purifiers decide ultra may be used in homes such as tubs showers doorknobs and countertops daycares gyms and nail salons. Wherever there are microorganisms also be sure you have selected the right product for the right application. What is the difference between a sanitizer and a disinfectant sanitizers are used to reduce but not necessarily eliminate microorganisms from inanimate surfaces to levels considered safe as determined by public health codes or regulations disinfectants on the other hand are used on hard inanimate objects to kill infectious fungi or bacteria but not necessarily their spores. Finally it's important that good hand hygiene follow protocol. Keep in mind that for hands to pick up microorganisms. These organisms were originally on a surface such as a computer desk or chair. These microorganisms have to be killed at the source and it can be done in one minute or less with the right product. We hope this message has given you the tools you need to make sure your workplace and your home are being disinfected properly. You can learn more by visiting Palmero health care's Web site where you can view a wide array of products to speak with a highly trained team member that has exceptional technical product knowledge. Call 800 3 4 4 6 4 2 4.



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