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How to Grow Your New Ecommerce Business Like Expert

Due to rapid growth of Internet and borderless communication system with easy access to online payment method, we are seeing huge numbers of ecommerce stores are increasing day by day. However most of them remain unsuccessful and close their business within a year. But despite huge competition you can lead your new eCommerce business like an expert. In this article I will try to share some advanced strategies and tips that successful eCommerce companyfollows.

Always try to sell unique product:
Don't try to sell sand in desert otherwise you are not going get success. This is a major mistake that Most of the store owners do. They try to sell same product which people can easily find on local stores or found on popular sites like Amazon, Walmart etc. If people find same product in local store near to their home why do they buy from your online store as it will be time consuming. Another problem is your product can be found on Amazon, Walmart, eBay like sites so people will order from their instead of your site. So now you understand you need to be creative in choosing right product. Making unique product is not very difficult task if you look at AliExpress you will see how these guys are bringing uniqueness to the generic product and most of the dropshipping sites are fully dependent on AliExpress.
For example you want to sell tshirt in your site. Now thisrt is found everywhere and you can't stop. But you can bring uniqueness to the product like your tshirts glow in the dark. The design is exclusive and rare.

Site needs to be professional:
At first people will see your site design when they come to your store. If they feel negative about the site they are not going to buy product for sure. Your site must be mobile friendly as most people will come from mobile and iPad. Logo should be unique and professional.
Making a professional site is not difficult if you know WordPress you can build awesome site within few hours. Buy premium theme from envato marketplace, divi, elementeretc and build your eCommerce site easily. There are many free and paid plugins that reduce your hard work. Same amount of work if you want to be done by freelancer he would probably charge more than 1000$.
Another way is to use shopify although you have to pay monthly charge but its more easier than WordPress. Some people also use other CMS like magento, drupal etc.
For logo, icon, banner you need to hire freelancer so that these looks professional.
Product page:
Product page needs to be professional and it should contain positive reviews of customers. Write a detailed description of the product with 5 to 6 high quality images from different angles. Make sure theme supports zoom of image. See how top sites like Amazon, eBay, Aliexpress structure their product page. Videos of product which has demonstration will attract visitors.
Top 3 qualities of product:
·        It is a wow product
·        It is not widely available
·        It solves the problem of audience
Marketing in right way:
Marketing is important as nobody knows your new site. People normally don't buy when they see first time when they get the trust of the brand they decide to buy. There are various ways of promoting your site. Its a common that most of the owners run fb ads. If you run fb ads you may need to re target same audience to get better results. TV ads are a little bit of expensive but more effective to boost your brand. There are some companies like TALK BUSINESS 360 TV that helps business owners to boost their brand. Newspaper ad, Google ad is also couple of options. I have seen many small stores got success with Instagram influencer.

Affiliate marketing:
Affiliate marketing is so powerful strategy to make your store viral. You will only pay to affiliates when they bring sell to your store. With this strategy you will get many peoples who will keep promoting your product. But make sure there is a guideline to follow in promotion otherwise some people may do spam with affiliate links which will create bad reputation to your brand.

Giving bonus to customers:
Every people want to win when they buy anything. So you can make offer like 20% discount or gift another product with the purchased product. But these offers should be for a short time period. So people will think, if they buy now they can save money or get a reward which is a win for them. These offers do well during seasonal time like Black Friday, father's day etc.
Every successful business started from zero so don't worry if you can't see quick success as it takes time. Successful ecommerce business owners do the same thing like the one who fails but they do it in creative way. Let us know your valuable feedback in the comment section.


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